標題: 轉貼: JAVA程式設計的教學
emhider (管理專用)
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

精華 0
積分 1875
帖子 1776
威望 1875
金錢 2087
閱讀權限 200
註冊 2007-1-14
用戶註冊天數 6349
用戶失蹤天數 687
來自 台灣
發表於 2008-8-4 14:53  資料 主頁 文集 私人訊息 
轉貼: JAVA程式設計的教學

語言 2007

教師信箱:jrjiang@csie.ncu.edu.tw (江振瑞)
上課時間:星期一 14:10~17:00
軟體下載: 相關聯結: 授課大綱:
  • 撰寫第一個Java程式 (Application) (Java01.ppt)
  • 建立程式執行環境 (Install JDK)(JDK online document)(Install MinGW)(Install Jeep4)
  • ACM-ICPC ([url=../ACM-ICPC.ppt]ppt[/url])
  • Homework 1: Choose one of the following 7 problems to solve. You should submit your solution to the PC Judge or UVA Judge for verifying the correctness. Due: Oct. 1 12:00AM   1.    http://online-judge.uva.es/p/v101/10194.html (Football)
       2.    http://online-judge.uva.es/p/v1/120.html     (Stacks of Flapjacks)
       3.    http://online-judge.uva.es/p/v100/10037.html (Bridge)
       4.    http://online-judge.uva.es/p/v101/10191.html (Longest Nap)
       5.    http://online-judge.uva.es/p/v100/10026.html (Shoemaker's Problem)
       6.    http://online-judge.uva.es/p/v101/10138.html (CDVII)
       7.    http://online-judge.uva.es/p/v101/10152.html (ShellSort)
  • 變數的型別及運算子的使用 (Java03.ppt)(Alg.ppt)(Al-Khwarizmi-1)(Al-Khwarizmi-2)
    Homework2: Write a Java application to input a positive integer n larger than 2 and no larger than 2147483647, and to output the largest prime less than n. The homework should include the programs and the output results. Due Date: Oct. 8, 12:00AM
  • 陣列與迴圈的使用 (Java04.ppt)
    Homework3: Write a Java application to draw cards 100 times and to list all the experimental results and the total number of occurrences for each card. (You should use S, H, D, and C to stand for different patters.) The homework should be in MS-Word format to include the program and the output results. Due Date: Oct 15, 12:00AM
  • 流程控制敘述 (Java05.ppt)
    Homework4: Write a Java application to input an integer and test whether it is a 'perfect number'. A perfect number is defined as an integer which is the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of the positive divisors not including the number. The first perfect number is 6, because 1, 2 and 3 are its proper positive divisors and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. The next perfect number is 28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14. Due Date: Oct 15, 12:00AM

    Homework5: 設計一Java程式,可輸入縣市別代碼及性別代碼,並自動產生一個正確的身分證字號。 (身分證字號真偽. java) Due Date: Oct 15, 12:00AM
  • Reference: Quiz-10-24-2006 (with answers)
  • Sorting Programs: (ppt)
    Homework6: 設計Java程式實作Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort,將一個陣列進行排序. Due Date: Oct 22, 12:00AM
  • 類別與物件 (Java06.ppt)
  • 在網頁中使用Java小程式 (Applet)(Java02.ppt)
    設計一個Java Applet,此Applet有二個方法成員,可以進行中文金額與10進位數字之轉換:
    Due Date: Oct 29, 12:00AM
  • Java 語言中的多媒體 (Java08.ppt)(applet.zip)(LoadImage.html)(LoadAudio.html)(Animation.html)(A2.html)
    Homework 8: Write a Java applet to generate a fancy animation and embed the applet into a html file.
    Due Date: Nov. 5, 12:00AM
  • 類別庫 (Java07.ppt) (String 類別的使用等)
  • Java1.5新特性 (JavaE.ppt)
    Homework 9: Write a Java application for users to input a sequence of charatcters from standard input (System.in) for checking if it has balanced brackets like { [ ( < > ) ] }. If so, output "Balanced Brackets!!"; otherwise, output "Unbalanced Brackets!!". You are confined to use Stack class, which implements Collection interface, with the concepts of generics, auto-boxing and auto-unboxing to push in or pop out an character for the checking.

    Hint: Refer to "Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 6 API Specification" for the usage of Stack class.
    Due Date: Nov. 12, 12:00AM
  • 期中考 (Nov. 12 14:00~16:00PM) ([url=Java-Midterm-11-12-2007_Answer.doc]MidtermExam[/url])
  • 使用者介面設計 (Java09.ppt)
  • 事件處理 (Java10.ppt)
  • Homework 10: Write a Java applet for users to input some points for generating their convex hull.
    Due Date: Dec. 1, 24:00PM
    Hint: (ConvexHull.zip)
  • 例外處理 (Java11.ppt)
  • 檔案處理 (Java12.ppt)
  • Homework 11: Write a Java application for users to input a file name and a string. Output "not found" if the string does not appear in the file; otherwise, output the line number and offset of the string position.
    Due Date: Dec. 3, 12:00AM
  • Bonus program: Write a Java Applet for users to draw or fill geometric items in any color, like rectangles, squares, triangles, rhombus (diamonds), circles, ovals, lines, arcs, polygons and strings. The applet should allow users to store and retrieve their drawings.
    Due date: Dec. 30, 24:00PM

  • SMTP, POP3 and JavaMail
    pop3 server: pop3.csie.ncu.edu.tw smtp server: smtp.csie.ncu.edu.tw

    ([url=SMTP-POP3.zip]SMTP-POP3.ppt[/url])([url=JavaMail.zip]JavaMail.ppt[/url])(Download JavaMail)(JavaMail API online document)(JAF: JavaBeans Activation Framework)
    Homework 13:利用JavaMail設計一個可以正確接收附加檔的收信程式。
    1.若MimeBodyPart的MIME type為text/plain(或MimeBodyPart為String物件)且無檔名,
    2.若MimeBodyPart的MIME type不為text/plain(或MimeBodyPart為InputStream物件),
    Due Date: Dec. 17, 12:00AM

  • Java、Web Server與SSL Web Server
    Homework 14:利用Java語言,寫一個網路爬蟲(crawler)程式,可以由某個網頁開始,將網頁下載後隨機拜訪網頁中的一個html超連結網頁,並印出該網頁網址,重複上述動作直到碰到重複的網頁或已瀏覽超過某個數目 (如100)的網頁為止。
    Due Date: Dec. 24, 12:00AM
  • Java Server Page (JSP) Overview
    Resin Server Donwload: http://www.caucho.com/download/
    MySQL Download: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/

    Homework 15:利用JSP及MySQL設計一個可以儲存及閱覽使用者留言 (包括發佈日期、主旨、內容及發佈者代號等)。
    Due Date: Dec. 31, 12:00AM
    ([url=Resin-MySQL-JDBC.zip]Resin-MySQL-JDBC Download[/url])

  • About the Term Project:
        Possible Term Projects Themes:
  1. mail sending and/or receiving tools
  2. online games
  3. ftp tools
  4. webs with serverlet
  5. webs with database connections
  6. any online tools
  7. http://www.softking.com.tw/soft/categories.asp
教科書: 參考書:
  • Java網際網路程式設計, 黃嘉輝 著, 文魁出版社
  • JSP動態網頁入門實務, 位元文化 編著, 文魁出版社

  • Midterm Exam. (25%)
  • Final Exam. (40%)
  • Final Project (20%)
  • In class and homework (15%) [size=+2]
emhider (管理專用)
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

精華 0
積分 1875
帖子 1776
威望 1875
金錢 2087
閱讀權限 200
註冊 2007-1-14
用戶註冊天數 6349
用戶失蹤天數 687
來自 台灣
發表於 2008-8-4 14:55  資料 主頁 文集 私人訊息 